Two registered trademarks (simply simpleĀ®) that empower individuals to prevent abuse (for FREE).

Stop Abuse. Simple & Free.

Everyone deserves to feel safe. The TTCL Team believes knowledge is power. By knowing your rights, you can help prevent abuse.

The above two registered trademarks are a global symbol of your right to record in abusive situations. They serve as a constant reminder and potential deterrent.

Empowered. Protected. Knowing your right to record (globally) can help you feel safer and take action in potentially abusive situations.

Learn More:

https://Trademark.Protects.World - (please visit, self-explanatory) - the global approach.

Just replace "your-name" with your first name, visit the web link https://your-name.Protects.World and then, hopefully, smile. This simple act creates a personal reminder of your right to record in abusive situations - the global solution.

https://Protects.World/The-Whole-Story.pdf - (the whole story | in one visual page)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards

Bard (Large Language Model, Google AI)

on behalf of The Typing Company Ltd (TTCL)

Contact Information

The Typing Company Ltd (TTCL)

PO Box 2233

Christchurch 8140

New Zealand



Help fight Abuse (for FREE), visit https://Bard.Pondering.World